Monday, September 29, 2008

Vote now!

Uncle Sam needs your vote! (Actually it's "Brother Sam" and this Cat in the Hat hat is the closest thing we could find to an Uncle Sam hat.)

It's baby week! Our new baby could arrive anytime, but Thursday at the latest. Vote now on whether you think it's a boy or a girl! Winners earn bragging rights - "I knew it was a ____!"

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Counting the days

In just 3 short weeks (or less), Sam will lose his "only child" status! He seems to be taking the news pretty well. Below he's snuggling with Mom after a nap.

Michele still takes him for walks. Here he's snacking on some frozen "Go-Gurt" as they get ready to head out.

A few weeks ago, Michele's older brother Forrest & his family visited. They enjoyed playing with Sam at a nearby park, then we enjoyed a tasty dinner together after I got home from work. Sam was asleep by the time we thought to take some photos!

And finally, a few silly photos...

In case you're wondering, that's a trash can. Grandmother Lawson randomly bought it on sale and gave it to Mom. But Mom didn't have a need for it so she offered it to us. Sam thought it was much too nice for trash!

Garfield... without the cat

One of the best sites I've ran across lately is Garfield Minus Garfield. Just like the name implies, it's the same Garfield comics, except Garfield has been removed. As the site notes, the result is "a journey deep into the mind of an isolated young everyman as he fights a losing battle against loneliness and depression in a quiet American suburb." It's a little suprising how taking out a character gives the strip a very different feel. Can you think of any other strips this might work with? Maybe "Calvin Minus Hobbes"?

Friday, September 5, 2008

Happy Birthday (to me)

Unfortunately, Michele didn't feel well today. So I stayed home from work part of the day and got to help out with Sam a little more than usual. Michele had hoped to surprise me by meeting me for lunch at work and baking a cake later, so it wasn't the day she'd hoped for. But it was fun to spend some extra time with Sam -- and that made for a great birthday. Hopefully Michele feels better soon!