My streak has finally come to an end. It lasted 7,311 days (give or take). Not bad by any measure. But still... it's a streak I'd like to have continued forever.
What streak, you ask? Tossing cookies. I think the last time was junior high -- something like 20 years ago... or around 7300 days (20 years x 365 days). At least that's the last one I remember. I stayed home from school because I felt sick. And that meant staying next door at Grandma G's. She fixed some delicious homemade vegetable soup for lunch. Afterwards I was resting on the couch... and then that undeniable urge came.
That same urge overpowered me at work on Monday evening. Fortunately everyone else had already gone home for the day. I had just talked with Michele and told her I was feeling awful and coming home soon. Then it happened. Thankfully my trash can was within easy reach.
The surprising part? It wasn't that bad. I mean it wasn't great by any stretch. But after it happened I felt 10 times better... and I actually kept working a little longer, knowing it probably wouldn't be the last of the cookie tossing and I'd probably need a few days off.
I was right on both accounts. I won't elaborate on the additional cookie tossing, but I did take off 2 sick days on Tuesday and Wednesday. And in between the sleeping and cooking tossing, it occurred to me... this could be the last time that I'm home by myself for a long time. A baby is coming!!
New Question of the Week:
How long is your streak? (When was the last time you tossed your cookies?!) If there's a memorable story, please share.
My answer to last week's question:
I'll go with Country Kitchen. Our local restaurant has some great food... but the smokey smell is overwhelming, so we rarely go there. I'm hoping they do a deep cleaning once our smoke-free ordinance kicks in!
Also worth mentioning:
Grandpa Lawson e-mailed a reply to last week's question:
"Rob, your blog update and question are too complicated for me --- but I will comment with one word----probably totally out of context----TWINS!!!!"
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